Elegant and Slick All-Composite Design
Large Control Surfaces for Full Capability Throughout the Flight Envelope.
GRS Parachute Exit Point. Ballistic Parachute is Standard.
15 Degrees of Flaps
45 Degrees of Flaps
Lockable Door and Fully Adjustable Side Vents on Both Sides. Full Wrap Around Tinted Windows Standard (makes a huge difference for heat and visibility).
Additional Vent in Windscreen Controlled From the Cockpit
Steerable Nose Wheel and Lowest Fuel Sump Location
Rugged Main Wheels on Composite Landing Gear
Easy Access Wheel Fairings
Dual Landing/Taxi Lights that are also Wig Wags.
Bright LED Navigation Light and Strobe Light. Tie Down and Fuel Vent Also Shown.
Imbedded LED Tail Nav Light (Standard)
Heated Pitot Tube Standard
Tail Cone is Capable of a Tow Glider Attachment Option