Full Specifications
Basic Dimensions
Cockpit width | 46 in |
Wingspan | 30.84 Ft |
Length | 22.14 ft |
Height | 7.38 ft |
Wheel Base | 7.12 ft |
Never exceed (Vne) | 142 knots |
Max, deploy rescue system | 130 knots |
Max, continuous power (Vh) | 120 knots |
Cruise, 75%power (Vc) | 115 knots |
Max, structural cruise (Vno) | 108 knots |
Design maneuver speed (Va) | 86 knots |
Max speed, 1st set of flaps | 75 knots |
Max speed, 2nd set of flaps | 65 knots |
Max speed, full set of flaps | 55 knots |
Design climb speed | 75 knots |
Best rate of climb | 65 knots |
Best angle of climb | 55 knots |
Approach (Vref) | 65 knots |
Rotation (Vr) | 35 knots |
Takeoff (Vlof) | 42 knots |
Stall, no flaps (Vs) | 43 knots |
Stall, full flaps (Vso) | 34 knots |
Rate of climb | 1,000+ fpm |
Distances and Fuel
Takeoff | 350 ft |
Takeoff, 50 ft obstacle | 970 ft |
Landing | 490 ft |
Landing, 50 ft obstacle | 1,050 ft |
Range at Cruise (Vc), 30 minute reserve | 648 nm |
Endurance at Vbe | 7.5+ hours |
Service ceiling | 14,500 ft |
Fuel, dual wing tanks | 34.0 gallons |
Fuel types | Premium Auto 91 octane or Avgas 100LL |
Max takeoff weight | 1,320 lbs* |
Basic empty weight | 760 lbs (varies) |
Max useful load | 560 lbs |
Max crew (2) total weight | 500 lbs |
Cargo volume | 14.66 cubic ft |
Cargo max weight | 75 lbs |
Design load factor limits | +4 g / -2 g |
Wing profile | MS (1)-0313 |
Glide ratio, engine off | 14:1 |
CG limits (%MAC) | 22-32% |
Wing MAC | 4.03 ft |
Wing span | 30.84 ft |
Wing Area | 121.1 sq ft |
Wing aspect ratio | 7.92:1 |
Aileron span | 12.28 ft |
Aileron area | 10.98 sq ft |
Aileron deflection, up/down | 11.5/ 7.6 degrees |
Flap deflection, manual range | 1-45 degrees |
Flap deflection, 1st, 2nd, full | 10, 28, 45 degrees |
Wing loading | 10.99 lbs/sq ft |
Power loading | 13.2 lbs/hp |
Vertical fin area | 12.81 sq ft |
Rudder deflection | 20 degrees each R/L |
Stabilizer span | 9.84 ft |
Stabilizer area | 21.64 ft |
Elevator deflection, up/down | 16.7/8.5 degrees |
*The Sirius may be fitted to receive floats and therefore may be rated as LSA seaplanes with a MTOW of 1,430 lbs.