Full Specifications

Basic Dimensions
Cockpit width46 in
Wingspan30.84 Ft
Length22.14 ft
Height7.38 ft
Wheel Base7.12 ft
Never exceed (Vne)142 knots
Max, deploy rescue system130 knots
Max, continuous power (Vh)120 knots
Cruise, 75%power (Vc)115 knots
Max, structural cruise (Vno)108 knots
Design maneuver speed (Va)86 knots
Max speed, 1st set of flaps75 knots
Max speed, 2nd set of flaps65 knots
Max speed, full set of flaps55 knots
Design climb speed75 knots
Best rate of climb65 knots
Best angle of climb55 knots
Approach (Vref)65 knots
Rotation (Vr)35 knots
Takeoff (Vlof)42 knots
Stall, no flaps (Vs)43 knots
Stall, full flaps (Vso)34 knots
Rate of climb1,000+ fpm
Distances and Fuel
Takeoff350 ft
Takeoff, 50 ft obstacle970 ft
Landing490 ft
Landing, 50 ft obstacle1,050 ft
Range at Cruise (Vc), 30 minute reserve648 nm
Endurance at Vbe7.5+ hours
Service ceiling14,500 ft
Fuel, dual wing tanks34.0 gallons
Fuel typesPremium Auto 91 octane or Avgas 100LL
Max takeoff weight1,320 lbs*
Basic empty weight760 lbs (varies)
Max useful load560 lbs
Max crew (2) total weight500 lbs
Cargo volume14.66 cubic ft
Cargo max weight75 lbs
Design load factor limits+4 g / -2 g
Wing profileMS (1)-0313
Glide ratio, engine off14:1
CG limits (%MAC)22-32%
Wing MAC4.03 ft
Wing span30.84 ft
Wing Area121.1 sq ft
Wing aspect ratio7.92:1
Aileron span12.28 ft
Aileron area10.98 sq ft
Aileron deflection, up/down11.5/ 7.6 degrees
Flap deflection, manual range1-45 degrees
Flap deflection, 1st, 2nd, full10, 28, 45 degrees
Wing loading10.99 lbs/sq ft
Power loading13.2 lbs/hp
Vertical fin area12.81 sq ft
Rudder deflection20 degrees each R/L
Stabilizer span9.84 ft
Stabilizer area21.64 ft
Elevator deflection, up/down16.7/8.5 degrees
*The Sirius may be fitted to receive floats and therefore may be rated as LSA seaplanes with a MTOW of 1,430 lbs.

Questions? Contact Us!

Swan Air LLC

Phone: 888-848-0464

Email: Matt@SwanAirllc.com



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Swan Air LLC - Question@SwanAirLLC.com or 888-848-0464 (Ask for John or Matt)